Software for windows and how it works

Windows operating system is the development of MS-DOS, operating systems based on text modules and command lines or CLI (Command Line Interface). Windows is an operating system that provides graphics user interface (GUI) and multitasking capabilities.

Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. This is the most widely used computer operating system in the world, running on more than 90% of desktop computers.

Windows was first released on November 20, 1985 as a graphical user interface for MS-DOS. The first version of Windows is Windows 1.0, and becomes popular because it can run graphics programs, unlike MS-DOS, which only run text-based programs. Windows 1.0 was followed by versions 2.0, 3.1, and 3.11, which was released in the 1990s and 2000s, but did not attract many users’ attention until Windows 95 was released on August 24, 1995, when Microsoft introduced a new user interface called “Windows 1.0 “Launched. Shell window “.

Windows 95 is one of the most successful versions of Windows because it introduces many new features such as Internet Explorer (IE) and support for applications and 32-bit hardware such as graphics or voice cards.


Why are there so many different programs for Windows?

Because Windows has a large market share and is compatible with computers, tablets, and smartphones. Windows software is very popular because there are many types of software that can be used for Windows. For example, there is a program for editing images, managing finances or games.


Program for managing files and folders on Windows computers

Windows 10 is an operating system designed to work with computers, tablets and smartphones. This is a very versatile operating system that can be used in all types of devices.

This can be used to transfer files from one device to another. There are many file transfer software on the market, but most of them have several shortcomings. For example, some may not be compatible with Windows 10 or support all devices.

The best way to transfer files from one device to another is to use the file management program on your Windows computer. This software offers a fast and easy way to transfer files between devices easily.

Software for processing text documents

File transfer software is a type of software used to transfer files via the internet. It can be used to share and download files and download them. There are various types of file transfer software, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. File manager is a type of computer program that allows users to manage their computer content using folders in the same way as items set in physical folders. File managers usually have features such as dragging and loose or cut and paste that allows users to copy or move files from one folder to another folder on a computer or external storage device such as a USB memory stick.

Excess window

  1. Easier to use

Many users say that the Windows system is very easy to use. This is because Windows uses an interface that is not confusing.

  1. Offering many programming options

There are many choices from 3D Blender, graphic design such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Coreidraw and others.

  1. Hardware support

Not only offers a variety of software, almost all hardware manufacturers have also provided support for the Windows version.

  1. Install & play functions

As a user, you don’t need to install hardware manually, you can use it immediately after installing. Like speakers, keyboards, mouse, webcam, mobile phones etc.

Lack of Windows

  1. Requires high resource demand

If you want to install the Windows operating system, you should prepare a laptop with a large storage capacity, a lot of hard disk and a good graphics card. This is because of the many features offered by Windows.

  1. Relatively high prices

New computer users usually know that the products issued by Microsoft are not free. From Microsoft Office to the Windows operating system, all of them have a paid license that must be purchased before you can use it.

  1. Closed sources

Overcoming problems in Windows can be easily done when the user or support already knows the problem.

  1. Virus attacks

Rumors say that the number of hacking attacks is high, or in other words more easily hacked.


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